LAUNCHING: How to get started? Diagnosis!

4. Examples

4.3. Hero's Journey

The hero's journey could add a transformative narrative to the diagnosis process. It might serve as a meta-level perspective, which brings more understanding of the "background" processes that may occur during conducting the diagnosis, but which we couldn't foresee.

The hero, in this case, represents the network undergoing a profound change or seeking improvement. The journey involves distinct stages:

When a Call to Adventure happens, members of the network recognize the need for change, improvement, or diagnosis. This could arise from challenges, performance issues, or a desire for growth. It might also appear shortly after that the members Refuse the Call. Initially, there might be resistance or hesitation to embrace the diagnosis process due to concerns about disruption, resources, or uncertainty. Unless... they are lucky enough to Meet with the Mentor, an experienced consultant, diagnostician, or leader who provides guidance, knowledge, and tools to aid the organization in navigating the diagnosis journey effectively. (The mentor might be the person who passed the Launch and Thrive learning material smile

Eventually, thanks to the help and ongoing adventures the network is Crossing the Threshold. The members commit to the diagnosis process, venturing into the unknown to uncover underlying issues, strengths, and opportunities. There are multitudes of Tests, Allies, and Enemies - Challenges and obstacles that emerge during the diagnosis. These could include resistance from within the network, data complexities, or identifying root causes. To overcome these challenges network needs to Approach the Inmost Cave: Members delve deeper into the diagnosis, confronting core issues that may have been previously overlooked or ignored. Getting awareness and raising understanding of the processes brings Ordeal and Transformation. It is a critical moment where the organization gains profound insights through the diagnosis process. This might involve confronting harsh truths, acknowledging weaknesses, or discovering untapped potential. Here comes... the Reward! Armed with newfound knowledge and insights from the diagnosis, the organization gains the tools needed for effective transformation, growth, or change. It leads to The Road Back. The network starts the journey back to its initial state, equipped with the diagnosis outcomes and strategies for improvement. Members who went through the diagnosis might bring the Resurrection to the wider network and other members of the network. It helps to undergo a significant change, incorporating the diagnosis findings to address challenges and capitalize on opportunities. Finally, testing the diagnosis and obtaining the feedback feels like a Return with the Elixir. The network emerges or becomes stronger from the diagnosis journey - transformed and improved. It brings back lessons, strategies, and changes that positively impact its functioning, culture, and success. It also shares the experience and the story with the other networks.

Integrating the hero's journey into the network diagnosis process adds a narrative element that can engage members, make the process more relatable, and emphasize the transformative nature of diagnosis and improvement.