GROWING ROOTS: Strategy design

1. What is a "Strategic design"?

We have these two tricky words "strategic" and "design". Both are complex notions and not easy to define. When they are put together they can bring a strong reality for the network that you would like to create or re-create. Below we offer a bite-size and funny explanation of what it means: Strategy Design through the lens of the ecovillage member.

Let's dive into the strategic design process in a bit of an unusual way – it's like dancing with the universe to create harmony in our grand journey. Imagine our vision as the heart's song, a pure intention that ripples through the cosmos. Our first step? Embrace the power of connection, like roots weaving through Earth's tapestry. We gather insight from all beings, respecting their unique energies, just as we honour every facet of the natural world.

Now, picture this: scented breezes guiding us as we gather around the fire circle, where we brainstorm and dream. This is the moment of cosmic conception – our ideas blending, like colours on an infinite canvas. But, it's not just about 'making it happen.' We infuse every choice with love, much like nurturing a garden. Every seed, a strategic move; every ray of sunshine, a resource we gather.

And as we float along the river of time, we remember that balance is key. Our plans need room to breathe, adapt, and evolve, just like a forest finding its own rhythm. Challenges? Oh, they're like rainstorms – essential for growth. We channel our inner warriors, staying true to our vision while embracing the unexpected.

When we finally reach the mountain's peak – our goal – it's not just a triumph for us but for the entire cosmic dance. Our journey is an affirmation of unity and the power of intention. We look back, tracing our steps like stardust across the sky, sharing stories with fellow travellers.

So, dear networker-dreamer, the strategic process is our soulful voyage, where every step is a sacred connection, and every choice shapes the symphony of our shared reality. Keep grooving to the rhythm of the cosmos and let your strategic dance light up the universe!
