MORE THAN PROFIT: Network Economies

4. Empowered fundraising

4.1. Tool: Face-to-face empowerment 

Face-to-face empowerment


Successful fundraising is a direct outcome of building genuine, face-to-face connections with individuals. It thrives on personal relationships, rather than the impersonal methods of cold door-knocking or telephone inquiries. While phone calls do have their place, they should primarily serve as a means to arrange meaningful in-person meetings or meetups at a mutually convenient location. In these interactions, the foundation is always an existing depth of friendship, intimacy, or acquaintance, where you are not a stranger to the person you are reaching out to.

So, where do we go from here? After each participating member has contributed their balance-point contribution to the project, each participant takes the following steps:

Step 1: Identifying Your Network

Participants are encouraged to compile a list of ten individuals from their personal network, which may include family, friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. These are individuals they intend to approach within the next three weeks. Based on the nature of their existing relationships, each participant estimates what they believe the person's balance point might be. The balance point represents the amount they will be asked for. It's worth noting that the accuracy of this assessment matters less at this stage, as individuals will have the freedom to adjust their contributions when the actual approach is made.

Step 2: Identifying the First Three

After creating their lists, participants then choose the first three people they plan to approach within the next week. They pair up with a fellow participant to engage in role-playing exercises. The initial focus of these exercises is to share with their partner details about the relationship they have with the person they intend to approach, along with the circumstances surrounding the forthcoming request. This sharing allows their partner to empathize with the character of the person being approached and envision potential responses.

Step 3: The Approach

When asking an individual for their support, participants follow these key steps:

  1. Begin by ensuring a clear understanding of the project's nature and significance.
  2. Establish early on that you are inviting the person to become an active participant in the project.
  3. Introduce the concept of "empowered fundraising" and explain the notion of the "balance point."
  4. State the estimated balance point, for instance, $XXX, and request their contribution. After making the request, maintain silence, allowing the person to respond without interruption.

Step 4: Response and Follow-up

At this juncture, the person approached may choose to accept, adjust, or decline the requested contribution. Regardless of the outcome, participants are encouraged to accept the response gracefully. Following this interaction, three essential questions are posed:

  • "May I ask why?" to gain insights into the reasons behind their decision.
  • "Would you like to stay informed about the project's progress?"
  • "Do you know anyone else who might be interested in our project?"

If the person accepts the invitation, participants can share what they've learned through the workshop and extend an invitation to participate in relevant training events.

Step 5: Debrief and Reflection

Both participants in the role-play debriefed on their experiences. They explore the feelings that arose during the request and evaluate the openness, honesty, and authenticity of the invitation. They also identify areas for improvement.

Conclusion: Building a Support Team

The final step is to create a support team for those making the requests. Participants designate a "buddy" with whom they've role-played. Contact details are exchanged, and participants commit to engaging with their buddy to share their approach experience and outcomes at a mutually convenient time. Additionally, a record is kept of the names and requested amounts, which, when totalled, provide an estimate of the potential funds that may result over the next three weeks from the Empowered Fundraising approach. Remarkably, participants often find themselves pleasantly surprised by the generosity that can emerge through this process.