3. Mission statement

The "inseparable friend" of vision creation is working on the mission!

Designing the mission of a network involves developing a clear and concise statement that defines its purposes, values, and core objectives. While the specific steps may vary depending on the organization and its context, we propose a general framework for designing the mission of your network:

  1. Clarify the Network's Identity. Begin by gaining a deep understanding of the organization's identity, including its history, culture, values, and stakeholders. This step involves reviewing the organization's existing documents, such as its founding documents, strategic plans, and previous mission statements.
  2. Conduct various mission Analyses. Identify and engage with key collaborators and associates, such as the core team, partners, and community members. Gather their perspectives, aspirations, and expectations regarding the organization's purpose and role. This step ensures that the mission statement considers the diverse perspectives and interests of relevant allies.
  3. Define the Network's Purpose. Reflect on the network's core reason for existence. Ask fundamental questions such as: Why does the network exist? What problem does it solve or what need does it fulfill? What is its unique value proposition? This step helps distil the network's purpose into a clear and concise statement.
  4. Identify Core Values. Determine the fundamental principles and values that guide the network's actions and decisions. These values represent the network's ethical and cultural foundation. Identify the values that are essential to the organization's identity and align with its purpose and collaborators' expectations.
  5. Define Objectives and Impact. Consider the network's desired outcomes and impact. What specific objectives does the organization aim to achieve? How does it plan to contribute to the betterment of society, the environment, or specific participants? This step helps align the mission statement with the network's strategic objectives.
  6. Draft the Mission Statement. Based on the insights gathered from the previous steps, develop a draft mission statement. It should be concise, compelling, and reflect the organization's purpose, values, and objectives. The statement should resonate with members and allies and inspire them to connect with and support your network.
  7. Refine and Iterate. Share the draft mission statement with key stakeholders, such as employees, board members, and customers, and gather their feedback. Refine the mission statement based on their input, ensuring that it captures the essence of the organization and resonates with the intended audience. Iterative feedback loops can help ensure a mission statement that truly represents the organization.
  8. Communicate and Root the Mission. Once the mission statement is finalized, communicate it widely within the network and externally to partners. Ensure that the mission is understood and embraced by all members of the network, and align policies, strategies, and practices with the mission statement. Regularly reinforce the mission to maintain its relevance and impact.