4. Six Thinking Hats

It is a decision-making technique that helps individuals and groups to think more effectively and thoroughly about a problem or decision. The technique involves wearing different “hats” or perspectives to approach the problem from different angles. Here are the six hats and their corresponding perspectives:


Blue Hat: This hat represents control and organisation. Individuals focus on the big picture, the process, and the overall direction of the discussion or decision-making process.

White Hat: This hat represents facts and information. One can focus on data, statistics, and objective information about the problem or decision.

Black Hat: It represents critical thinking and caution. One can focus on potential risks, drawbacks, and negative consequences of the problem or decision.

Green Hat: This hat represents creativity and innovation. Individuals focus on generating new ideas, solutions, and alternatives to the problem or decision.

Yellow Hat: This hat represents optimism and positivity. One can focus on potential benefits, opportunities, and positive outcomes of the problem or decision.

Red Hat: This hat represents emotions and feelings. Individuals focus on intuition, gut feelings, and emotional responses to problems or decisions.


1. Q: What factors should be considered when making a decision?

The cost, time commitment, and decision sensitivity are all factors that should be taken into consideration. It is advisable to carry out a pilot plan for the chosen course of action and evaluate the outcomes.

2. Q: What are the steps in the decision-making process?

The processes in the decision-making techniques involve recognising the decision that needs to be made, acquiring information, considering the effect of each potential choice, and selecting the best alternative.

3. Q: How can decision-making tools and techniques help business managers find solutions to problems?

Decision-making tools and techniques can help business managers find solutions to problems by exploring the different options available and selecting the best alternative to them.