3. How to revive the network?

Is it easier to launch the new network or to revive the existing one? The answer is naturally complex and it depends - among others where the network is in its development, what is the will and vision of the engaged group.

If you happened to observe a loosening of the relations and organizational structures in your network, or you can even admit that your network is going through some kind of crisis - IT’S JUST GREAT! Really! Because this is a great moment to rethink and redesign the existing identity and strategy of your network. We are here to guide you in this process. 

It might have been more advantageous and healthy if your collective or your network had conducted a more proficient evaluation of potential members, better planning, more outreach initially or implemented measures to prevent drifting away from fundamental principles…the list of assumptions and possible scenarios of such character can be endless! What is for sure, this transformation has occurred and is irreversible. And…that’s okay! It is probably what was the most optimal option possible at a certain time of the network’s existence.

Now, what courses of action are available to you? Given that the group is not aligned with your envisioned developments, guidance in this course centres around the possibilities for you as an individual or a compact team to pursue. Generally, right now what is needed the most is clarity, honesty, good leadership and: transformation!


Invitation to the regular meetings and forums:

  • Bring into play all possible efforts to cultivate and invigorate the existing well-being. Infuse it with positivity and contribute to creating a rewarding environment for its participants. Positive vibes will enhance its appeal and entice others to become part of the community.
  • Given that there are ongoing meetings, reach out to members who have been absent and extend a personal invitation for their participation. Express your genuine interest in having them attend. If approaching them without sounding judgmental is a challenge, consider enlisting someone else to initiate the conversation. Alternatively, you can divide the membership list among the regular attendees, with each person engaging in discussions with a few individuals they share good relationships
  • Set an example through your own interactions with others.