2. Membership

2.2. Case study: becoming a member of GEN

Becoming a member of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) involves engaging with the organization and meeting certain criteria. Here are the general steps that were typically followed to become a member:

  1. Research and Familiarize: Begin by learning about the Global Ecovillage Network, its mission, and its activities. Understand the values and principles that guide their work and determine if you share a common vision with the network.
  2. Find a GEN Affiliated Ecovillage: GEN's membership often includes ecovillages and sustainable communities affiliated with the network. Identify if there is a GEN-affiliated ecovillage or community near you or one that aligns with your interests and values.
  3. Visit and Engage: If possible, visit the ecovillage or community to get a firsthand experience of their lifestyle, practices, and ethos. Engage with the residents, attend events or workshops, and explore how you can contribute to their efforts.
  4. Express Interest: Express your interest in becoming a member of the Global Ecovillage Network to the community's representatives or GEN focal points. They will guide you on the specific process and requirements.
  5. Community Support: Becoming a member of GEN is often facilitated through the ecovillage or community where you are residing. The community may need to support your application and vouch for your alignment with the network's values and principles.
  6. Pay Membership Fees: GEN may have membership fees, which help support their activities and initiatives. Be prepared to pay the required membership fee, if applicable.
  7. Commitment to Values: The Global Ecovillage Network is typically open to individuals who resonate with their commitment to sustainability, community living, social and environmental responsibility, and regenerative practices.

GEN is a living organism, which means that - besides having these steps in mind - be aware of the human factor in all the processes! It is a dedication and engagement of both sides to build connections and to thrive. Good luck!